Rolf Seese

Rolf Seese


Rolf Seese is working as a service manager for the intranet at a large electro company. Beside the daily job he is a passionate iOS musician and loves to explore everything what the iPad provides in musical aspects.

His most preferred apps at the moment are Korg Gadget and Sugarbytes Egoist, Thesys, Tornado as well as Virsyn Addictive Pro, just because of the possibility to capture ideas quickly, develop and transform them into a complete track. You could have heard some of his tracks in the Apptronica Radio Show, which is conducted by Martin Neuhold. Currently he is also working on his first album with the work title „Out of the Box“, which is planned to be released under the Apptronica label as well.

Additionally Rolf is beta testing music apps like Elastic Drums, Modstep, Patterning, AUM and Cream mobile – just to name a few. These apps naturally will play a major role in the creation of his tracks afterwards. 


11. March 2017
Apptronica – Label For Music Produced With Apps Only
Appmusik Studio
16:35  -  16:55