Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums:

In the discussion forums, it is a matter of discussing specific questions posed by an expert. The previous lectures and sessions are also referred to and questioned.


11. March 2017

(Deutsch) Diskussionsforum – Nutzen der neuen Chancen im Kontext begleitender Herausforderungen

10:05  -  10:55
Kleiner Vortragssaal

Diskussion panel – Implementing mobile music

15:05  -  15:55
Kleiner Vortragssaal

Meanwhile there are numerous mobile music projects within school and cultural education contexts around Germany. This can be seen as a pleasing situation. However, in some cases a longer-term integration of music-technological learning arrangements fails . What are difficulties within processes of implementing music learning with mobile technologies in educational contexts? What can we learn […]

Click for more information on 'Diskussion panel – Implementing mobile music'

Discussion pannel – Do Schools need particular Music Apps?

17:05  -  17:25
Raum 336

In our discussion we are seeking for music educationalists and app-developers, who are eager to share their experiences on the following questions: * What should the design of an app look like and in which way should apps perform in order to be applied in the music classroom? * Is […]

Click for more information on 'Discussion pannel – Do Schools need particular Music Apps?'

Discussion panel – Way ahead for the Future

17:35  -  18:25
Kleiner Vortragssaal

What did we learn from working with the topic of mobile music with apps and the different perspectives on it? What are the perspectives for the future? What questions remain open or what new questions did arise? In the final discussion panel provides a last opportunity to relate different points of view to […]

Click for more information on 'Discussion panel – Way ahead for the Future'