Keynote | Creation that moves: what it means when humans, not studios, are at the center of music making

Keynote | Creation that moves: what it means when humans, not studios, are at the center of music making

10. March 2017
14:20  -  15:00
Kleiner Vortragssaal

What does it mean to be able to produce music anywhere? And what will that look like in the future?

When we talk about music production, we’re constantly stumbling over place. First, we made a distinction about studios. Then, it was home studios or home recording. Through all this, the studio – that place that brings together certain tools – has still been part of people’s imagination.

Where does that place meet the person? What does it mean that a phone is now literally endowed with computation powers that were the domain of expensive desktop machines just a few years ago? What’s the difference between defining music creativity in terms of that place versus in terms of a person – their body, their experience, their mobility?

We’ll consider how portable and mobile music first arose, where they’re at today, and where they may go next. And through those threads, we’ll consider what happens when music creation technology scales to the human body and not just a room.

Session Category :    Keynote  Kleiner Vortragssaal  Lectures