For many people principle barriers to making music are the instruments themselves. In 2006 in partnership with NESTA a team from Edinburgh University set about creating a new kind of musical instrument. One that was designed for children, to support natural musicality in play and more specifically one that would be accessible to all children, including those with physical or learning disabilities. This was how Skoog was born.
In 2009 Skoogmusic Ltd was formed and in 2010 they began shipping the first Skoog to customers around the world. Since then the team has continued to work in partnership with users and industry partners to evolve Skoog and recently released the most recent version for iOS with Apple inc.
This session will explore the science behind Skoog and the different challenges the team faced in developing a new musical instrument specifically for children with disabilities.
They will also demonstrate their latest Skoog and their may even be some time for some Skoog jams!
Session Category : Appmusik Studio Sessions