(Deutsch) Kreativitätsmethoden zur Entwicklung neuer Musikstücke unter Nutzung mobiler Endgeräte

(Deutsch) Kreativitätsmethoden zur Entwicklung neuer Musikstücke unter Nutzung mobiler Endgeräte

11. March 2017
14:35  -  14:55
Raum 341

There seem to be similarities between the development of new music and inventing new products. This can be explained by the high importance of creativity in both processes in particular in early phases. Consequently, creative techniques are used at the development of new products to increase creativity. For instance, very common techniques are brainstorming, design thinking as well as the morphological analysis. The use of those techniques is also conceivable in the field of music. As an example, the morphological analysis could be used to find new music combinations. Mobile apps such as mind mapping or music apps can support the use of creative techniques to develop new music.



music genres, music ideas, creativity, methods, innovation

Session Category :    Raum 341  Lectures