Marc Godau

Marc Godau

Marc Godau studied music and German at Lehramt for schools at the Potsdam University. For seven years he worked as a teacher in general education and advanced schools. In 2012 he was nominated as teacher of the year in Brandenburg for the area of Cottbus  .

He currently works as a research assistant at the Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music (RCAM) Berlin University of the Arts, Erfurt University (Implementation of a ‘Learning Lab’ into teacher education) as well as in Potsdam University in the (“Transformative Learning Processes within Performative Projects”).

His research focuses on music making in schools, formal and informal as well as technology-mediated learning, teachers’ professionalization and systemic-constructivist didactics. In his dissertation, he studied group processes in self directed learning with informal learning methods within the school context.


11. March 2017
TPACK – Professionalisierung für musikpädagogisches Handeln mit digitalen Technologien
Raum 340
09:05  -  09:25
Diskussion panel – Implementing mobile music
Kleiner Vortragssaal
15:05  -  15:55
Discussion panel – Way ahead for the Future
Kleiner Vortragssaal
17:35  -  18:25